Who is ChefJoy ~ Denver's Party Chef
I ChefJoy was born in the Bronx, NY in the winter of 89 (the last of the 80s babies, shouts out to us) to an American mother and Trinidadian father. A year after my birth my parent relocated me and my older sibling to Miami where I spent my childhood and early adult years. Growing up in Miami was fun, live*(Miami slang for very fun exciting i.e. lit), unique, and diverse. It helped greatly shape my outlook on life and human relations as this is where my foundation started. One of the best and worst things about Miami is the weather, man it is great to be able to get a new bike for Christmas and go right outside to ride up and down the street with no jacket and some shorts. But it's horrible in the summer when it is as hot as the “Devil’s Balls” and your father refuses to turn on the ac because "It’s not that hot and it gonna raise the bill, so open the window and turn on the fan!” Yeah, that ain't help much.
On the bright side, I had siblings to suffer through it with me and provide a lot of the influences that help shape the person I am today. My older brother who was also born in the Bronx greatly influence me in electronics and the video games taught me how to set up the Nintendo, and VCR, and fix the antenna so we can watch the TV (thank God those days are gone). Hip-Hop was the interest of the family musician and this is what sparked my lifelong obsession with the music, culture, and overall influence on the world which is why I like to call myself a “Hip-Hoparian”. My older sister the artist was the one who gave me a base on fashion and pop culture of the time. As I got older, I learned how to shop for the nicest and flyest name-brand items and all without paying full price (although I do not always follow what I learned). My little sister the dancer (non-stripping) taught me how to really mind my business and stay focused on me and I would get whatever I wanted. My parents are not only responsible for my good looks but also for my generosity, kindness, and overall respect for others no matter their position in life.

My interest in food and cooking started early. It started around the age of 7 or 8 helping my sister season the meat or grate the cheese (cause Caribbean people don’t believe in buying shredded cheese). I soon upgraded to stirring the pot or holding the mixer when my sister or mother made a cake or brownies. Most of my culinary knowledge and skills prior to culinary school came directly from my father the unofficial chef of the family. Back in the day his brother and their mother owned a Trini Bakery, he taught me the art of seasoning without measuring, and how not to use so much salt. The art of making your own snack, quick bread, and an easy meal like apple chutney, mango souse, fry bake, and leftover stew (not really a fan but I can make some magic with some leftovers). Also, my grandmothers played a huge role in encouraging and assisting in my love for cooking whether giving family recipes, cooking equipment or just cooking advice that really help shape and mold the foundation I have as a chef today. Since I started cooking early and was really interested in it, I knew from a young age that I wanted to grow up to be a chef (tv specifically because I’m too pretty to stay in the back).
This was also great for me because I hated school and didn’t plan on going to college. But in the 10th grade, a rep from Johnson and Wales came to my Home Economics class and talk about their school and more specifically their culinary and hospitality program, so I took a tour with my parent,s and boom I got talked into becoming a college student one day.
After graduating high school, I attend JWU and learn a lot and eventually graduated even though it wasn't on time but whatever I finished. While attending JWU I did get a chance to start my culinary career at The Oliver Garden, first I started in the back, tossing salads, did some prep, and became the to-go person/food runner. After working there for almost a year I later gained a job at a hotel called the Fontainebleau, this would be the place that solidified my foundation for the kitchen and my life in F&B. While working there I had the chance to work every station from the dessert station to the grill gaining a firm handle on each one. After working there for about two years I moved on to other restaurants and hotels trying to improve my skills and knowledge in the culinary arts while gaining much-needed experience. As of now I have over 10 years of professional culinary experience and over 20 years of cooking and food knowledge and am constantly learning more and gaining more skills that will help me in my culinary career. All the while going throughout my career and life food and cooking has played a major part the only thing that would be able to match it is my love of comedy and making people laugh and entertaining co-workers (at least the ones I liked) laugh and be somewhat entertained at work (especially on the slow days). So, with me deciding to merge two of my loves and interest I have decided to assist the masses with the assistance of the World Wide Web to help the average person step their cooking game up and strengthen their knowledge of food and different cuisines. Therefore, I have created my website JOY2DAWORLD.com so you can come to learn and be entertained, or even buy, from one of the “Prettiest and Funniest” Chefs you will ever meet.
Thanks for visiting my site and be sure to follow me on other social media platforms to keep in touch:

Bringing “Joy” to the world by providing soulful and delicious meals along with professional and intimate service.